NEC, Birmingham
From £20.00 per Category

Close date for entries

Friday 31st January 2025

Please only select one category per entry.

IMPORTANT: Exhibits MUST NOT be shown on any social media sites until the results are announced on our website. If proven, the exhibit will be disqualified.



Entrant Details

Entrants in Education please fill out the following fields:
All Entrants:
Category selection
Entry Dimensions - See Full Competition Details for Limitations
Embroidery Signage
I have read, understood and agree to abide by the Rules & Regulations governing the competition as stipulated on the ICHF website. I accept that the decision of the Chairman of Judges is final.
If the entrant is under 18 years old: Parent/Guardian, please tick here to acknowledge the above.
I guarantee that my entry is my own unaided work.